Prohibited Activities

All the member of WebMoney Transfer system accept "Property rights transfer agreement" at registration and oblige not to use the System in illehal activities which may cause harm either to the System or its members.

The following activities are prohibited in WebMoney Transfer system:

Illegal trade — sale and distribution of goods and services, which are illegal, harmful, injuring morality, violating copyrights, promulgating hate and/or discrimination of people based on race, ethnicity, sex, social status.

Creating financial pyramids. Pyramid is a fraudulent structure, which organizers are redistributed and use in their own interest funds received from its members on the promise of high interests of income.

Money laundering means methods and procedures to transfer funds derived from illegal activities into other assets in order to conceal their true origin, real owners or other aspects that could indicate a breach of the legislation.

Exchange activity without the implementation of security protocols (X19 interface) that ensure proper identification of exchange participants

Members violating the prohibition will face the denial of service